About Us
Pecan Creek POA, formed on February 22, 1983, contains 1-to-3-acre lots, with a POA membership of approximately 406 lots. We are a large community made up of four (4) separate additions (North, Northeast, South, and West), each with their own distinct set of Reservations and Restrictions (North, Northeast, South, and West) in addition to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions that are applicable to the entire community.
It is country living at its best, convenient to major shopping and entertainment venues while offering the enjoyment of wildlife and natural landscaping along with beautiful night skies free of city lights.
Records and accounting services are now provided by HOA Services of Oklahoma. If you need assistance with your account, including balance requests, billing or other financial questions please contact HOA Services of Oklahoma at 405-753-0695 or yourhoa@hoaservicesok.com.
Please make checks payable to Pecan Creek POA, identify the address(es) and lot number(s) associated with the properties and mail to:
PO BOX 381
Piedmont, OK 73078
**electronic payment are now available at https://www.hoaservicesok.com/pecancreekpoapayments or by contacting HOA Services of Oklahoma directly.